Friday, 28 January 2011



They are possibly the daftest animals on earth. They are conclusive proof against evolution. If beasts evolved, sheep would know that:

1. wandering in the middle of the road is bad,
2. when the shepherd comes with the scissors/medicine/anything else, it's good for them.
Thousands of years of domestication, and not one tiny sign of any sense.

Anyway, despite all that, I give up many, many days a year to help my uncle work on them.

Work on them? With them? Around them? Whatever.

My uncle's sheep are Blackface. That's the name, of the breed, not a description of the sheep. Although they do mostly have black faces. No lack of imagination there. To be honest, it's the only breed worth having.

These are the pride of the flock. Rams we (well, my uncle plus me..) have brought up from tiny wee lambs.

Well, when I say worth having, it's from a point of view of personal preference, not financial gain....

 Anyway, last Saturday was one of those sheep days. We dosed the pregnant ewes, and shifted the lambs from the croft onto the machair. 

This isn't a pregnant ewe, but it was the closest I could find. This picture is from last year's lambing season

The bible says a lot about sheep. Christ is called the Good Shepherd. It compares Christians to sheep, who need constant guiding and feeding. Left to fend for themselves, they waste away, and put themselves in dangerous places. (Matthew 9:36) Yet we have a Shepherd that not only showers us with blessings, but gave His life for us. (John 10:11). For that, He deserves our very best, lacking though that may be.

These are not Uncle's sheep. I just added it to show WHY we have Blackfaces, and not these....... other breeds. These are Texels.  


  1. Hi DR!

    My Mom enjoys your Mom's blog, and she told me that you were starting a blog of your own. I look forward to reading more about you in your future posts.

    I find myself greatly admiring many of your heroic Scots of the past, men like John Knox and the Covenanters. In fact, Scottish history is very high on the list of my favorite topics to read about! I plan to visit Scotland sometime in the future and soak up a heavy dose of its history.

  2. Hey Laurie, thanks for that, hope everything is going well over your side of the pond!

    Hi Ben, it's great to hear from you! My mother is always talking about your mother's blog: often with a wee bit of envy when she sees the beauty of the area you live in! It's amazing how you think that way of Scots and Scotland: I love America and everything to do with it. I have been over twice, although unfortunately, never seen the Shenandoah valley, or the mountains of Virginia. It's one of my dreams to tour the east coast of America, but especially the south (sorry Laurie!)

    I hope you do come to Scotland soon: it would be wonderful to have you over, and I hope you would come to visit us here is Lewis.

    Thanks again to the two of you for commenting: apart from mum, you are the first to comment on my blog


  3. Sheep ARE the most useless beings on this planet!
    You're dead right about the texels (is that how you spell it by the way?)

